A man like Putin, is what Nigerians Need.

Dare Ojuoye
5 min readMay 7, 2018


When i was younger i remembered we have a popular slogan we all shout as soon as we saw our light bulbs illuminate. UP NEPA! We would all shout as we ran into our various homes trying to do anything we want to do, we would always be lucky to have the light stayed up for five hours or more and with gratefulness we would say our prayers in our hearts to the National Electrical Power Authority. It had been over 3 decades of my existence and though the trend is becoming low, we still have kids shouting that slogan despite the fact that the electricity has been managed by 2 different companies. What do we blame that on?

It has taken almost forever for the Nigerian government to rebuild the electricity in the country, all we got are excuses one after the other with millions of dollars embezzled or mismanaged in the name of the development of the electricity sector. It begs the question that what is happening in this country and why can’t our leaders be accountable for their words?

Source: Vanguard Nigeria

I watched an exclusive report (documentary) recently about president Vladimir Putin and i am utmost awed by his personality, the self discipline he had imbibed in himself with the level of discipline. It will make you a better leader that none of your followers or lovers would object to any of his instructions or called authority. A man feared by the world and highly respected among-st his colleagues, probably and certainly the most powerful man in the world.

Source: here

According to CNN: it was said that Russia had something to do with rigging the 2016 American election won by Donald Trump and there is still no proof of that until now. I am amazed by such diligence and less error from a man like that, there is a song that was dedicated to him in his country ‘A man like Putin’. Also, The Russia Economic Report (37) named their title of the report: ‘From Recession to Recovery’ He is a man that oversees everything.

Source: World Bank Staff Projections

He became the president of Russia in 1999 when former prime minister Boris Yeltsin resigned leaving the country in great turmoil. The country was going through a great famine and everything was not going right at that time for Russia. Immediately he assumed position, he changed everything from gaining the peoples trust and changing the economy, even with the country’s dependency on oil and after the oil market went down, President Putin has been able to put in place measures that still made things go well for the citizens of Russia.

Source: World Bank Staff Projections

When he became President there was no billionaire in Russian but from 1999 to 2014 he was able to raise 111 billionaires. In 2014 he managed to control the economy when oil prices fell by cutting the social spending, Implemented Austerity programs, Let currency collapse
and the central Bank Controlled the inflation.

He has brought Russia out from a state of relative weakness to the world power. He grabbed a piece of Ukraine for Russia, the Ukrainians weren’t happy about this, well the Russians were cause it has proved to them a deep sense of power. A man of Social conservatism, Anti western-ism and a representation of National power.

Apparently, after reading all that about him, you wonder why is he so fearsome? A former KGB agent that singularly faced a crowd of protesters and told them to back off or would be killed in 1990, went ahead to the Leningrad state University to study Law, He was an adviser to the first democratic elected Mayor of St. Peters-burg Sochack, and in just nine years made it to the post of president.

He was often and openly criticized by the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton to be heartless and has no soul but nothing has been proven against him yet, they say all sorts that he controls the media but the truth is people influence the media.

Source: here

Relative to my country Nigeria, people of devotion aren’t allowed, they are always marked the enemy of the country but in the truest form of words, would you place a man like Putin as a bad or good leader? You know the answer yourself. Freedom doesn’t exist, if not there wouldn’t be spies in every country. If you look around the world there are 123 countries that is practicing a democratic system of government out of the 192.

According to an article from Borgen Magazine online edition of september 2013: a 2012 study conducted by Global Democracy Rating, shows that most of North America, Europe, Australia, and South America were at least moderately democratic. On the other hand, Africa, Asia, and Russia were less democratic. What is the scale in which democracy is been measured, shouldn’t we just be what we say we are. Democratic; moderately or less.

A man from a humble background, a man that never forgot who he was at any time. A man that has never lived anyone’s opinion of him but always did what he was supposed to do without been told or been scold. According to CNN ‘Putin understands his people and the world’ because of the way he had handled everything in his country, keeping secrets secret. We need a man Like Putin in us to make Nigeria a great place.

God bless Nigeria and God bless the world.



Dare Ojuoye

Creative Writer | Digital Marketer | Social Enthusiast |