Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash


Dare Ojuoye
1 min readJan 22, 2024


Once i knelt for wisdom
my heart rested on my knees
slept on sands for bliss
while fears bite the unclean
it’s heavy on me, the bling and chips
spell it to me
why i need all these steels?
fling, sling, trig, speak please!
I have lost so many brothers
whose testimonials rip veins
blood stains on you, his name
spawns through your heart in real disdain
I won’t refrain
wards warn with warm words
Our hearts have been diagnosed with false thoughts
so you thought not, now you got lost
from your lost cause — call all
brethren, lords of houses, the -it men
who sting men to repent
heal them and teach them
all these blood stains on our lands
is to aid whose end?
myopic brothers killing brothers
your blood -er ahhhhh!
you heal them to the ill realm
Don’t get me wrong, I love brotherliness
not when it causes disorderliness
I will leave this ear
And for those whose heart bleeds
of a loved one or a lost one
I pray that you pray for wisdom
for there is no freedom
only one true kingdom



Dare Ojuoye

Dare Ojuoye is the head of Digital Marketing at Ace Idea Consults. He is in charge of Local content development and digital content development.